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If you would like to explore some articles on infertility, please click here.
Egg Freezing Myths And Facts
For a long time egg freezing was given an experimental status as the success rates for egg freezing and subsequent pregnancy were not well defined. In 2012 the experimental label was removed from this procedure and it was introduced into practiced clinical medicine. There are some facts one needs to
Azoospermia and Its Treatment
Azoospermia means that there are no sperms. This can be due to 2 reasons.1. Obstructive azoospermia – There is normal sperm production but no sperms in the ejacualate as the duct is blocked2. Non Obstructive azoospermia – The sperm production in testis is absent or minimal . Hence there is
When Do I Need An Egg Donor?
The progress of science in the field of infertility has increased in leaps and bounds. Women reaching early menopause or those with less egg reserve can now have children through donor eggs. However it is important that a donor is taken only when indicated and for that it is important